Senin, 11 Maret 2013


1. Definition of “ Noun Clause” 

Noun Clause are subject and predicate (finite verb) structures carrying out the grammatical functions attributed to a noun.Or A noun clause is an entire clause which takes the place of a noun in another clause or phrase. Like a noun, a noun clause acts as thesubject or object of a verb or the object of a preposition, answering the questions "who(m)?" or "what?".. They parallel noun words and noun phrases by form. The conjunction of a noun clause has a single grammatical function within the clause and that is so introduce it. There are two types of noun clause functions we need to know:

a. Noun Clause as a Subject 

Usually use a whether, what. 

For example: 

· It is strange 

· What I dreamed last night is strange. 

Of the first sentence above, it serves as a subject. We get replace “it” with clause (what I dreamed last night) as a Noun Clause that functions as a subject. 

Other Example: 

· Whether you like it or not does not influence our decision . 

· How Johny acts makes everybody confused. 

b. Noun Clause as an Object 

Usually appears after verb, there are some verbs such as: 

For example: 

· Mr. Khairil Chandra agrees that he will go to Jogjakarta tomorrow. 

· That he will go to Jogjakarta tomorrow, appears after verbs agrees, so functions as a Object 

Keep in mind, the noun clause sentences should be affirmative. 


· Where do you live? 

I know where you live 

· What is your name? 

Wiwin forgets what your name is

c. Noun Clause Which Begin with If or whether 

  • If yes/no question has changed to be noun clause, caluse introduced with If 
  • Note: I wonder = I want to Know 
  • Note : or not can not be put right behind if

Source :
1. Sofyan Fahmi, Ir, MHum.2009.Kiat Sukses Lulus Ujian Bahasa Inggris.Jakarta:Pustaka Tarbiyah Baru.
2. Surayin,drs. 1999.Perfect English Grammar.Bandung: Yrama Widya

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